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Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

Clinical Training

electrophysiology lab

Fellows receive formal instruction, obtain clinical experience, and demonstrate clinical competence in all areas of CCEP as required by the ACGME, including:

  • Noninvasive testing relevant to arrhythmia diagnoses and treatment
  • Invasive electrophysiologic testing
  • Therapeutic catheter ablation procedures
  • Left atrial appendage occlusion procedures
  • Surgical ablation procedures
  • Implantation of cardiac implanted electronic devices
  • CIED device and lead extraction (although lead extraction certification will require additional focused training)

Clinical training typically involves:

  • Performing invasive electrophysiology procedures
  • Attending outpatient clinic (follow-up and new patient clinic)
  • When assigned performing consults for arrhythmia related issues as requested by other services

The fellow’s rotations will be divided approximately equally between the University Medical Center and the affiliated VA Medical Center. The VA Medical Center is located close to the University Medical Center.

The CCEP program at UCSD Medical Center has three state-of-the-art electrophysiology laboratories, and the VA Medical has one state-of-the-art electrophysiology laboratory. Each laboratory is equipped with the latest in fluoroscopy and ultrasound imaging systems, and cardiac mapping systems. In addition, both CT and MRI imaging systems are readily available for clinical and research purposes (often performed by our faculty who have dual appointments in Cardiology and Radiology).

Fellows in the CCEP program have obtained or are on track to obtain all necessary training to be considered able to practice independently in all areas of CCEP. Fellows and faculty are evaluated regularly by each other to ensure adequate clinical development during training. Historically all our past trainees have taken and passed the AIBM examination for a Certificate of Added Qualifications in CCEP.

Our trainees are surveyed during and after training and all have noted satisfactory training and feel competent to practice CCEP after graduating. Approximately 50% of our past fellows have entered an academic practice with the remainder entering private practice.